
Toponymic in Catalonia

Toponymic in Europe

Toponymic in iberian peninsula


Reference works

The mountain Amaya of 1.362 m in the province of Burgos puts the border of the main abundance of Basque toponyms, very near Palencia (Amaia in Basque means the end). All the cantabric coast have these toponymics, in a way that is obvious that were bascoides populations not to much centuries ago. But for the rest of the Iberian peninsula they appear disseminated, especially in some concrete points, which speaks us about the existence of bascoide populations in periods difficult to determine. Another subject, is the relationship between the Basque and the Iberian, that it can only be from two ways: For own to the same family, in which any case should be very far, for the simple fact that they are completely different, or of exchange of words for proximity, logical and probable thing.


Region of the Tajo and the North of Portugal and south of Galicia:

Baiona. Iria Flavia. The ancient name of Santiago de Compostela (Amaya: the end). Egibarri. Mondariz (mendi+aritz=oak mountain) Anduriña, Agor, Agorjoi, Ainzua, Aran, Ariz, Ardaña, Arrasa, Arzua, Belesar, Goris, Irijo, Iza, Larrae, Larazo, Laracha, Menda, Nazara, Carrabate, Carraceda, Carracha, Garrida, Garea, Garabal, Garavide, Urros, Sada, Sarria, Umia, Arnoso, Aranoya, Zamay. Garrafe de Torío: Garr-be=sota la pedra. Torío=Itur (font)


South of València, Granada and Almeria:

In Sierra Nevada: Iznalloz, Veleta (Belate: crow door). The ancient name of Granada, Iliberris or new city. Garrucha (Almería, as garrotxa, from "stone"). The roman Guadalajara (Arriaga: place of stones) Orcheta, Buscarro, Muria, Elosa, Alatoz, Ulea, Los Urrutias, Zubia, Illora, Jabalaiz, Espeluy, Oria, Algar, Iznate, Adamuz, Mengibar, Garres, Arriate (near by Ronda) o Encarroz. Orospeda (ortoz-pide, way of veals). Ecija (Astigui-hut place)


Cantabrican coast

From the Encartaciones til Astúries: Besaya, Ubiarco, Orena, Oiza, Barcena, Aguayo, Garoña, Arce, Selaya, Arredondo, Eskalentes, Otañes, Escaño, Mena, Amaya, Salazar, Illaña, Escalada, Bunbena, Zalduendo, Urrez, Mencilla, Urquiz, Basconcillos de Tozo, Basconcillos, Basconcillos de Muño, Bascones de Zamanzas, Bascuñana, Bascones de Agua, Bascuñuelos, Villabáscones de Sotoscueva, Matasutxa, Aizola, Garrula, Besgas, Bela, Garoña, Barciña, Ameyugo, Arraya, Bureba, Metolabarrena (Burgos), Oña etc.

Astúries: Really a lot, found with the help of the asturian daniel Suárez. Anzas, Aguin, Aguiño, Anzo, Araniari, Arancedo, Arante, Arbosa, Aradan, Arbon, Arnoya, Arnala, Arquide, Cartea, Caraondio, Caranga, Cubia, Iboya, Iramola, Urria, Muñas, Olaqui, Obanza, Orua, Ouria, Oscos, Garaña, Garaba, Turia, Uria, Urbies, Urra, Mendones, Mendacha, Carrandi, Bascones, Vasco, Urubio, Mendiello, Mendones, Irrondo, Biescas, balbarán, goibarar, Orandi, Aricendi, Cares, Oyanco, Ibias (river and village).maybe the same Naranco de Bulnes, there known as Urriellu. Parrondo, Oyanco. Arriondas, old named Arriondo(close to the stone). There's four "Arriondo" still now. Also "Is", interesting for to be the old name of water, in basque.


Inland of Iberian Peninsula and another zones:

Here they turn up few and therefore of more difficult award. In any case, we name them for who wants to study them.

Duero (comes from Atur), Kalpe ("beneath the rock", ancent name of Gibraltar), Aranda, Muñogordo (Segovia), Muñozas (Zamora, muño=hill), Turia (Valencia), Urci (betician city), Anas (betician river), Caraca (Guadalajara, today Taracena), Carrantona river (Vallecas, Madrid), Garoces (Toledo), Garaballa (Cuenca), Carrizona (Ciudad Real), Carrahola (Cádiz), Carranque de Yuso and Carranque de Suso (Toledo), Garray (Soria), Garrocha (Teruel), Bascones de Ebro (Palencia), Bascones de Ojeda (Palencia), Bascuñana (Near Cuenca), Básculoa (Village of Bética), Vascos (Toledo), Villa Uascón y Uascones (Soria 1120), Zayas de Bascones (Soria), Bascones (Burgo de Osma, Soria), Gascueña (Cuenca).

Within Ebre, Duero and Guadalajara: Zaya (several), Aranda, Aranjuez, Arandilla, Arganda, Orusco, Atea, Amaya, Iruecha, Irueste, Ariza, Armuña, Escariche, Duron, Ardoz, Pioz etc. Araduey (ara-toi), land of plains, synonym of the palentinian "Tierra de Campos" that it crosses